Discover offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you apply for a loan and change your mind within 30 days, you can return the money. Discover does not charge interest if you return the money within the set time frame. You must mail the request in writing with a check for the loan amount. Discover must receive the information within those 30 days.
There are no origination fees for Discover personal loans. There is not an application fee or prepayment fee for paying your loan off early. You can make extra monthly payments without facing a fee, as well. Discover does charge a late fee if your payment is not received by your payment due date.
If Discover receives your payment after the due date, they charge a late fee. The fee for each late payment is $39. After a late payment, Discover reserves the right to change your monthly payment. There are a variety of ways to make your loan payments. To avoid the fees, make sure your payments arrive on time or sign up for automatic withdrawals.
The largest loan amount for Discover personal loans is low. If you qualify, the most you can receive is $35,000. They do not offer personal loan amounts above $35,000. The minimum loan amount with Discover is $2,500.
Qualifications to Apply for Discover Loans
Useful Information About Discover Loans
The first purchase with a Discover card was on September 17, 1985. In 1986, the card launched around the nation. By 1989, Discover had one million businesses accepting their card as payment. In 2000, Discover acquired Greenwood Trust Company. The name changed to Discover Bank and it was the companies only banking branch.
In 2006, Discover launched into the debit market with their debit card. That year they also launched their business credit card. In 2012, Discover offered home loans and, by 2013, they were offering home equity loans. They began offering student loans in 2015. In 2019, Discover stopped issuing fees for its deposit products.
Discover has received awards for:
Discover offers personal and business credit cards. They offer checking, savings, and money market accounts. They offer personal, student, home, and home equity loans. You can apply for their loans online or over the phone.
Yes. You can apply online or by calling Discover customer service.
Discover does not have a minimum required credit score. Your loan approval depends on your credit score, along with other factors. Some of those factors include credit history, debt, and income.
The smallest loan amount is $2,500 for Discover personal loans.
The maximum loan amount for Discover loans is $35,000, if you qualify.
The terms lengths for Discover personal loans range from 36 to 84-months.
Yes. The interest rates are competitive with other online lending companies. The interest rate you receive depends on your qualifications.
Yes. Discover personal loans offer fixed interest rates for the life of the loan term.
Discover offers personal loans. The money can be for debt consolidation, wedding expenses, or home renovations. You can use the money for vacations, a financial emergency, or to cover medical costs. Other uses include adoption, IFV, and car repairs.
You need to verify your household income, employment history, and bank information. A valid, email, SSN, and address are required. They will check your credit score and credit history.
If you have all the necessary information, you could receive your decision the same day you apply. Approval may take longer, depending on your application.
If you have all the necessary information, you could receive your decision the same day you apply. Approval may take longer, depending on your application.
You must wait 15 calendar days before you apply again if your application is denied.
You can make payments through ACH, over the phone, or through the mail. You can make a payment at an account center, with a wire transfer, or through bill pay through your bank.
Yes. There are no fees to pay your loan off early.
Discover's security measures comply with federal laws. Their computers have safeguards. Their files and buildings are secure.
Yes. The Discover mobile app is available for Android and iPhones.
You can follow Discover on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and YouTube.